The addiction is defined as a chronic disease that is characterized by the search of consuming BUT this to become slightly compulsive ON THE OTHER HAND because the people seek to shelter in her to evade problems BUT they do not know that this brings consequences. It is considered to be a disease towards I celebrate because the drugs in excess modify this organ: His normal functioning and his structure. IN ADDITION this hurt extends to a long duration. FOR EXAMPLE the cocaine The cocaine or since it is called in the street "Coca" - " White Lady " or "Blanca Nieves" is an extremely addictive stimulant that it affects directly to the nervous central system. The principal routes of administration of the cocaine are oral, nasal, intravenous and pulmonary. "Star player" is the powder of clorhidrato of cocaine that has been an accused to do a rock of crystal that generates steams that they smoke. THE RESULT of the effects of the cocaine generally does that the user feels euphoric and full of energy, but also it increases the corporal temperature, the arterial pressure and the cardiac frequency. The persons who consume cocaine risk having a heart attack or to the brain, respiratory insufficiency, convulsions, abdominal pain and nauseas ETC. BE ALL THE SAME FORM is to be able to control the addictions that are had by any thing.
Addiction is a habit that dominates the will of a person.on the other hand it has serious consequences in the daily lives of addicts. An addiction can lead to health problems, damage to human ties, problems at work. There are different reasons why young people use, one of the most common is to start because friends too do and so you feel integrated into the group, which also implies a status in it. as a result there different types of addictions, but the most common and usually the most commonly consulted are:
Consumption of Cannabis Consumption of Cocaine Alcohol consumption
addictions are psychological problems that a person to consume or do anything that can go from being a hobby to be a habit or addiction. addictions besides being a psychological problem can also be converted to a physical problem such as a person who consumes alcohol, not only damages the nervous system, but it also damages your digestive system.
Addictions in today's world are concurrent or frequent both young people and adult. These additions can be solved but not easily, depending on the commitment to have the person (addicted). today there are many people who have been out of addiction are examples in society, due to the difficulties when trying to leave that exceeded addition.
the adictions are very perjudical to the people, adictions cause poblems because the people change totally. beside an adicction can lead to the person to became crazy, anxious, compulsive and also histeric. the differents type of addictions may afect to the human body. cause health or phycologics problems. affecting the brain, the heart, the stomach and differents organs. in conclusion, all the addictions are dangerous and not healthy.
Many people think that addictions are just drugs and alcohol, but there are much more dangerous than Addictions are destroying the youth of our days. They are quiet Addictions Showing Their nice side to others But keeping a dark secret; On all cellular. This amazing and useful apparatus increasingly removed us from our loved ones when we are doing the machines and not the other; Avoiding that we can share with our loved ones a good time and enjoy small details with them.
Many people in the world have an addiction, and I think it's sad that a human has the need to find a drug or anything to satisfy their craving, we can find the music like a method for forget many options for be drugged or intoxicated, that’s why it’s not necessary for our health and body.
Therefore, why I have to do that?. This topic is very broad due to many long-term consequences. This, the people have to know about this, also learn about the many consequences that drugs can cause to our body😀😙😋🙆😚.
ADDITIONS : why to consume drugs? The addiction to the drugs they are a problem that involves to the adolescence of the current importance, it is given by the idea of that consuming they evade losproblemas or difficult moments that have every day, or simply for feeling in 'environment', besides it there exist diverse psychological or social factors for that a person becomes addicted. Addiction defines as the dependence or need towards a substance, activity or relation caused by the satisfaction that this reason to the person, this leads to an irresistible acting-out to executing something irrational or opposite to the will of the one who consumes them. Why do they consume them? It is not so difficult to imagine, many do it to evade the situations that harm them and this way not facing them in a correct way for example: the separation of his parents, to receive matoneo of the college on the part of his companions, lawsuits with his parents or problematic in the college, etc. In other cases they consume them for following the example of others for example of his own parents or of his friends who have the idea mistaken on the amusement that as they receive on having consumed the drugs. A person that this recovery thinks that it is necessary to help the young persons not to commit the same mistake, which they have to look for the way of going out forward facing in a correct way his problems and if they are addicted that if it is possible to repair the caused hurt.
Drugs in my opinion, are caused by problems and low self-esteem, because instead of solving a problem that the people who use drugs only as enlarged, addictions can also be action to the food, internet addiction, addiction gambling or television, not all drug addictions are the result of a problem, they are also experiencing, that is, try something catches our attention and in the end we have to like and it's very hard to stop this addiction , I too think it is difficult but not impossible,
I also think that people generally tend to judge these individuals who have this problem, not knowing the real reason why they are addicted to different things, but we must not ignore that to solve a problem does not have to invent one larger.
Today all people, because we can not talk about the youth that fell on drugs there are also many adults and seniors who are there on that problem, as well as what is read is a problem that consumes every day more and more humanity by a factor or another.
I think drugs are addictive habits, because habits are something that one person is doing aconstumbrada Daily or perhaps more frequently and addictive because it's harmful to nuestravuda, our body and even our personal integrity.
most people tend to think that to fix problems that case the best choice is something that helps them forget all addictive drugs, that by one side but there is no single drug alcohol to solve them, or maybe there are people who nsiiquiera only it has moral problems that are addicted to something like chocolate or food if the internet and believe it or not are as harmful as the above in my opinion, why? Because although we cause damage more slowly is doing.
To my addictions are provided by the neesidades human as technology is all done from a need, and I wonder how it is that humanity criticizes addicts if from ourselves they were created. by: jennifer rodriguez
In actuality the young people usually is influenced for the others IN ORDER TO consume drugs IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT the colleges usually give conferences ABOUT the consequences of the drugs the young people don’t take conscience ABOUT this. ACCORDINGLY with the cases as we see in the street and in the TV ABOUT the abuse of the drugs our generation have to take conscience and stop with this demons SUCH AS the bazuco, cocaine, marijuana, crack, etc. These drugs cause an alteration in the performance of the body IN ADDITION can cause the dead. In all the world we are seen cases of famous people destroyed AND in worse cases the dead AS A RESULT OF the abuse of drugs AND YET the today's consumers say as they can controle this BUT really is almost impossible do this. We are the future of the world AS we have to help to change this horrible demon of our generation, and help IN ORDER TO this left in the history FINALLY.
ADDICTS The drugs, the alcoholic drinks, the cigars, are the principally addictions more common. But we never ask why?, what carry a person for this?. no just a person say hey! let us become addicted, no. There is a process, that even, he isn't conscious of what happen, of the problem that this can be, not to mention, the change in emotions and the change with his outline. Accordingly, is very important that this person can receive help, someone who than understand but also guide.
As soon as he accepts his condition (in this part i think that need help of someone to he trust) , can leave his addiction by now with professional help. Although, in this two "parts" the "addicted", he need have willpower or at least, a reason to keep.
What do you think if I say addiction?, probably you guess I’m going to talk about drugs, and alcoholic drinks, but the addictions covers more than they two. Although they are the most common in our times, we need to know the different kind of addictions that surround us, for example the shopaholic, sex addict, coffee addict, cellular addict, chocoholic among others. Even so is possible to say the people are informed about it, but it`s not treated with the due care. We cannot find a doctor, who treats specifically some addictions. On the other hand, if we mention the drug addiction we touch a big theme, we can talk since social problems, until mental problem, so if you meet someone who can have any type of addiction take them with a doctor, is the best choice you can take.
addictions today are more for cell phones, video games, drugs, chocolate, shopping, be an accumulator, etc.
You could say that these addictions are taken for psychological problems, family, environment, etc, these addictions are very dangerous because they could damage the future of the person besides that it could leave with mental problems and also the body, addictions start small amounts, which then become bigger, I think all people have a small addiction.
When the person can not stop taking a drug voluntarily, even if he wants to do, it is called addiction. The temptation is too strong to control even if you understand that the drug is causing damage.
Addiction is a problem that is usually done by young people who sometimes just out of curiosity or even a fashion, the drugs can own dependence, taking into account the effects that this had on your own body, it affects mainly the system Central nervous.
The most likely people to arrive at these extreme addictions are those sad, depressed and in older cases by problems either at school even at home with his family etc.
By the end of mixing substances to reach an end point may be dose as alcohol and cocaine
Some people think that drugs or substances are not addictive psiactivas, some people take it as a game but it is not. Addictions can change your life in a very bad way, you become dependent on these substances, from my point of view I think that never should consume these substances and cause damage to the body and our mental state haywire.
We have to have character and learn to say no to all these substances, we have to live a healthy and free complicasiones life problems like these.
It lives better when we have our five senses as they are not altered! Lives without addictions without drugs, without alcohol!
Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and drug, despite its harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the body: its structure and functioning are affected. These brain changes can be long lasting, and can lead to dangerous behaviors seen in people who abuse drugs. But because people take drugs ?. Mainly, people start using drugs for several reasons. To feel good. Most drugs that are abused produce intense feelings of pleasure. This initial sensation of euphoria is followed by other effects, which vary according to the type of drug consumed. For example, with stimulants such as cocaine, the feeling of euphoria is followed by feelings of power, self-confidence and increased energy. In contrast, the euphoria caused by opiates such as heroin is followed by feelings of relaxation and satisfaction. To feel better. Some people who suffer from social anxiety, stress-related disorders and depression begin abusing drugs in an attempt to lessen feelings of distress. Stress can play an important role in the onset of drug use, continued drug abuse or relapse in patients recovering from addiction. To perform better. Some people feel pressure to chemically enhance or improve their cognitive abilities or their athletic performance, which may play a role in initial experimentation and continued drug abuse and prescription stimulants or anabolic / androgenic steroids. Curiosity and "because others do." In this respect adolescents are particularly vulnerable because of the strong influence of peer pressure. Teens are more likely than adults to engage in risky or reckless behavior to impress their friends and express their independence from parental and societal norms.
Addiction to a chronic, relapsing brain disease characterized by pathological finding reward and / or relief through the use of a substance or other behaviors are considered. This implies an inability to control behavior, difficulty permanent abstinence, craving for consumption, decreased recognition of the significant problems caused by their own behavior and interpersonal relationships as well as an emotional response disfuncional.2 The result is a decrease in the quality of life of the affected (causing problems at work, in their academic activities, social relationships and / or their family or couple relationships). Neuroscience now considers addiction substances and behaviors share the same neurobiological basis.
In addition to the use of psychoactive substances as process addictions sex addiction, gambling addiction (gambling), pornography addiction, addiction to television, sport, addiction to new technologies (tecnofilia) and there's Internet addiction.
It can be considered as equivalent to a serious substance use disorder, despite its harmful consequences is considered a brain disease because drugs change the body. Because people are addicted? In general, people become addicted for several reasons. 1. to feel better 2. Curiosity and "because others do" 3. to feel good 4. because they need Although there may be more reasons, these are the most explicit Besides the relatively moderate consumption poses risks de adicciones despite the fact that the addict does not consider that. Usually, the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary. However, with continued use, the ability of a person to exercise self-control can be seriously affected. As a result of these addictions, very high casualties are caused in the country, for example in 2014 there were 1.2 million deaths. Decision is yours if you want to destroy your life and joining in the death toll. Think about it
There are different kinds of addictions , but there are more common than others, such as addiction to alcohol and drugs.
People who are addicted to alcohol usually do it , by a situation that are happening or one that already had happened, and they think that taking can olvidarsen all its problems , though they know it is not, by more than may take the time to forget everything and enjoy the next day but nothing will change . The same goes for those who are addicted to drugs, it is clear that is not always for the problems but also by choice or because they were influenced in this by anyone. therefore I think that we are human and serlos is because we reason and we have some maturity so when we have problems are best taken with seriousness and maturity and not make decisions for impulses.
addiction is some responsibility as health and society as we see it more in the youth of today who do or because your friends tell you or for some concern. affecting your body and every day embolbiendose it without reason if people they reasoned we would have a safe and healthy world
i think that in the way of the drugs. Is important know that we never have the control and always ends in an addiction of the which is very difficult recover,we can look the life of this man the alcohol, the remove all most wanted. but in the text not only talks of addiccion but also of the habit and clare the addiction and the habit,the habit : those that do daily but controllably. the alcohol is something that does not have reverse and, that leads very bad situations. the fault is believe that have the control.
Nowadays we are in a generation where the only thing that matters to us is the technology like the cell phone and we also depend on it, that we even get to the level of changing the family time to be in this or when we leave or spend time with the Friends are all on their cell phone and not sharing these moments with them. this has become like a chain to which we are subject more and more, the more things they get more dependent we go back with these things. Yes, this can be used for easy communication with people who are not so close, but it is also becoming a way of "surviving", you are thinking this, that if you do not have a cell phone of last generation then we are nobody and we are worthless.
the influence of technology on people today is quite noticeable, and this is constantly surrounding us, every time we advance more in technology and we would not know if this is something good or something bad and the new changes make us have that we constantly update in knowledge related to new technologies. Technology is advancing more and more to help us in our day-to-day activities. In part it is good, because thanks to technology medicine has advanced too much and has saved the lives of many people and also in different branches of science.
My reflection based on the video is that there is no need to trust third parties when it comes to love, and less in modern applications to find a partner, but, by becoming intimate with other people, it can be considered as an option.
Never be guided by something that has no experience, and if you want more interesting results, let yourself be guided by intuition.
What happens if you let yourself be guided by something? There is a possibility that it fails, as in everything you do, so you decide.
In conclusion, it is better to let yourself be guided by your instinct and perception if you want what you want and not what intermediaries want.
you have to use these devices to make your work a bit easier, but do not let them do everything for you otherwise they will take you to be a slave, but you can use them for useful things like those mentioned above.
People currently get carried away by consumerism and believe that only people are known by applications, something that is totally false. because of this, unique opportunities that are given at that moment are lost while they worry about fitting into a technological sonic link.
My reflection in the video is that you should not let yourself be trusted by applications and think before acting, I think that the protagonist's way of acting was not the most relevant.
not to get carried away so much by love and think more about how to act better, I think that the young man will remain with the woman on the train since she was attracted to him and he passed by and continued looking for the anonymous couple and at the end I'm left with nothing if you let yourself be guided by an application the most certain thing is that it ends badly this is my reflection
Technology is only a means, do not let it become your instrument, because it is what is happening, we are letting ourselves be influenced by our own creation.
Technology opens us to conoser new social environments in a certain way is a tool that gives us certain positive things for our daily living with this we communicate, we work and in a certain way we recognize that it is a help for topics of invention, they are good until a certain limit. It is important to keep in mind that everything in life was done with a purpose in this case the purpose of the technology is to influence the human being both positively and negatively
A proper use can give us very good benefits but if we use it improperly it can bring bad consequences. I believe that the proper use of telephones and applications is closely related to a good education, since this will give us the sufficient maturity to have a moderate use of the technologies that are given to us.
My reflection about the influences of technologies, is very good in terms of education, generating great lessons and advances. Although it is also more influential in the young people of each day for entertainment and but also can be used for sexual purposes among themselves through social networks this is a big problem today, this problem increasingly affects many more people being bullies or victims.
Technology is an innovative medium that affects human behavior and its way of thinking, which gives us a conformist and easy way to do all kinds of work. Therefore it has been noticed a big difference between the people of the antiquity and the contemporary families who have been in contact with the current technology.
technology is very important for both young people and adults because it is necessary in their different professions because these devices are designed to solve the problems of daily life in the life of a young person and an adult in the sense of unknown things for these (mostly in children and adolescents by the school) but adults also have their electronic needs as problems in websites, online courses or for their work in the case of people who work at home. Equally workers require the technology mostly computers, smartphones or calculators that makes technology is essential. But if there is a good side there will also be a bad side as technology distracts us from the important things in life and also its overuse causes mental as well as physical injuries such as obesity or carpal tunnel syndrome, but in this time Technology is irreplaceable and unmatched.
Many years ago people to send a message was very difficult, because apart from the fact that the message took up to a month to reach the other person, it cost a lot, the methods of sending messages that people used were the telegrams, postcards, payment telephones, etc. Nowadays, when social networks came out, Facebook, Messenger and the most popular WhatsApp is just write your message and press "send" and the message will be sent in seconds, regardless of whether the other person is on the other side of the world. This was a very necessary invention for humanity, since apart from being comfortable it serves a lot and saves you.
From my point of view in terms of video and the influence it has on networks and young people today, is that many times in our daily lives people mostly young people pay more attention to a social network, an app of any kind, that to more important things in life.
Today technology is everything for most young people, such as cell phones, computers and many more, with applications such as games, photography, social networks and more, these applications cause small or large addictions, after a time becomes a necessity for the person who uses it, this means that a person gets carried away a lot by society, by the present time or by the new innovations of each day, every time there are more cases of violations, scams, aggressions, cyberbulling, among others, what causes these problems the most are, social networks and applications to meet people from other countries or worldwide, are small or large pages that manage to attract young people to use them without knowing who can be behind These applications, many people have fallen into these traps that the only thing they do is to cause harm to the person who uses it.
Today it is important to be informed about new technologies and their progress so we can be contextualized this information.Technology today in day is a global tool that offers multiple benefits in all aspects of life It is our responsibility to make a good use of this medium and turn it into a recreation space interaction and learning. Maria Paz Ortiz
my reflection based on the video, makes me recognize that technology is changing us in a negative way, although its intention is to make things easier, even knowing this we must recognize that we remain the same. As it is possible that the first impression of a person now has its profile in different applications or social networks, we certainly know that things must change and learn to use the new technology without it uses us
the technology has brought great influence to all the young people of today; this has become of our daily life so much that almost the majority of young children and adults do not know how to get rid of these technological devices.we have to start managing the addition to these tools because if we do not know how to control them we could reach an extreme addiction without knowing how to control it
My reflection about the influence of technology, is very good in terms of education, generating great lessons and advances in the life for a better future.
Technology removes mental energy by tiring minds and diverting thoughts to situations that are sincerely unimportant when they could be reasoning more interesting facts and learning new knowledge about general culture. Also young people thanks to technology stop investigating their work and tasks in books to enter Google and there research the information they need, copy and paste a, this makes them become increasingly lazy and leave aside the knowledge they should have on current issues. Therefore, the infatuation has been lost , romanticism, since young people prefer not to spend their time and money on flowers, chocolates, cards or obituaries, to send emoticons or on Facebook, cell phones, Twitter, etc., in a few words, love became virtual and not sentime
The addiction is defined as a chronic disease that is characterized by the search of consuming BUT this to become slightly compulsive ON THE OTHER HAND because the people seek to shelter in her to evade problems BUT they do not know that this brings consequences. It is considered to be a disease towards I celebrate because the drugs in excess modify this organ: His normal functioning and his structure. IN ADDITION this hurt extends to a long duration. FOR EXAMPLE the cocaine The cocaine or since it is called in the street "Coca" - " White Lady " or "Blanca Nieves" is an extremely addictive stimulant that it affects directly to the nervous central system. The principal routes of administration of the cocaine are oral, nasal, intravenous and pulmonary. "Star player" is the powder of clorhidrato of cocaine that has been an accused to do a rock of crystal that generates steams that they smoke. THE RESULT of the effects of the cocaine generally does that the user feels euphoric and full of energy, but also it increases the corporal temperature, the arterial pressure and the cardiac frequency. The persons who consume cocaine risk having a heart attack or to the brain, respiratory insufficiency, convulsions, abdominal pain and nauseas ETC. BE ALL THE SAME FORM is to be able to control the addictions that are had by any thing.
ReplyDeleteLaura Castaño
Addiction is a habit that dominates the will of a person.on the other hand it has serious consequences in the daily lives of addicts. An addiction can lead to health problems, damage to human ties, problems at work. There are different reasons why young people use, one of the most common is to start because friends too do and so you feel integrated into the group, which also implies a status in it.
ReplyDeleteas a result there different types of addictions, but the most common and usually the most commonly consulted are:
Consumption of Cannabis
Consumption of Cocaine
Alcohol consumption
addictions are psychological problems that a person to consume or do anything that can go from being a hobby to be a habit or addiction. addictions besides being a psychological problem can also be converted to a physical problem such as a person who consumes alcohol, not only damages the nervous system, but it also damages your digestive system.
ReplyDeleteAddictions in today's world are concurrent or frequent both young people and adult. These additions can be solved but not easily, depending on the commitment to have the person (addicted). today there are many people who have been out of addiction are examples in society, due to the difficulties when trying to leave that exceeded addition.
the adictions are very perjudical to the people, adictions cause poblems because the people change totally. beside an adicction can lead to the person to became crazy, anxious, compulsive and also histeric.
ReplyDeletethe differents type of addictions may afect to the human body. cause health or phycologics problems. affecting the brain, the heart, the stomach and differents organs. in conclusion, all the addictions are dangerous and not healthy.
Many people think that addictions are just drugs and alcohol, but there are much more dangerous than Addictions are destroying the youth of our days. They are quiet Addictions Showing Their nice side to others But keeping a dark secret; On all cellular.
ReplyDeleteThis amazing and useful apparatus increasingly removed us from our loved ones when we are doing the machines and not the other; Avoiding that we can share with our loved ones a good time and enjoy small details with them.
Many people in the world have an addiction, and I think it's sad that a human has the need to find a drug or anything to satisfy their craving, we can find the music like a method for forget many options for be drugged or intoxicated, that’s why it’s not necessary for our health and body.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, why I have to do that?.
This topic is very broad due to many long-term consequences. This, the people have to know about this, also learn about the many consequences that drugs can cause to our body😀😙😋🙆😚.
ReplyDeletewhy to consume drugs? The addiction to the drugs they are a problem that involves to the adolescence of the current importance, it is given by the idea of that consuming they evade losproblemas or difficult moments that have every day, or simply for feeling in 'environment', besides it there exist diverse psychological or social factors for that a person becomes addicted.
Addiction defines as the dependence or need towards a substance, activity or relation caused by the satisfaction that this reason to the person, this leads to an irresistible acting-out to executing something irrational or opposite to the will of the one who consumes them. Why do they consume them? It is not so difficult to imagine, many do it to evade the situations that harm them and this way not facing them in a correct way for example: the separation of his parents, to receive matoneo of the college on the part of his companions, lawsuits with his parents or problematic in the college, etc.
In other cases they consume them for following the example of others for example of his own parents or of his friends who have the idea mistaken on the amusement that as they receive on having consumed the drugs.
A person that this recovery thinks that it is necessary to help the young persons not to commit the same mistake, which they have to look for the way of going out forward facing in a correct way his problems and if they are addicted that if it is possible to repair the caused hurt.
By: Sandra Liliana Zorro Beltran
Drugs in my opinion, are caused by problems and low self-esteem, because instead of solving a problem that the people who use drugs only as enlarged, addictions can also be action to the food, internet addiction, addiction gambling or television, not all drug addictions are the result of a problem, they are also experiencing, that is, try something catches our attention and in the end we have to like and it's very hard to stop this addiction , I too think it is difficult but not impossible,
ReplyDeleteI also think that people generally tend to judge these individuals who have this problem, not knowing the real reason why they are addicted to different things, but we must not ignore that to solve a problem does not have to invent one larger.
By :Leidy Nataly Rodriguez Perez
Today all people, because we can not talk about the youth that fell on drugs there are also many adults and seniors who are there on that problem, as well as what is read is a problem that consumes every day more and more humanity by a factor or another.
ReplyDeleteI think drugs are addictive habits, because habits are something that one person is doing aconstumbrada Daily or perhaps more frequently and addictive because it's harmful to nuestravuda, our body and even our personal integrity.
most people tend to think that to fix problems that case the best choice is something that helps them forget all addictive drugs, that by one side but there is no single drug alcohol to solve them, or maybe there are people who nsiiquiera only it has moral problems that are addicted to something like chocolate or food if the internet and believe it or not are as harmful as the above in my opinion, why? Because although we cause damage more slowly is doing.
To my addictions are provided by the neesidades human as technology is all done from a need, and I wonder how it is that humanity criticizes addicts if from ourselves they were created.
by: jennifer rodriguez
ReplyDeleteIn actuality the young people usually is influenced for the others IN ORDER TO consume drugs IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT the colleges usually give conferences ABOUT the consequences of the drugs the young people don’t take conscience ABOUT this.
ACCORDINGLY with the cases as we see in the street and in the TV ABOUT the abuse of the drugs our generation have to take conscience and stop with this demons SUCH AS the bazuco, cocaine, marijuana, crack, etc. These drugs cause an alteration in the performance of the body IN ADDITION can cause the dead.
In all the world we are seen cases of famous people destroyed AND in worse cases the dead AS A RESULT OF the abuse of drugs AND YET the today's consumers say as they can controle this BUT really is almost impossible do this.
We are the future of the world AS we have to help to change this horrible demon of our generation, and help IN ORDER TO this left in the history FINALLY.
ReplyDeleteThe drugs, the alcoholic drinks, the cigars, are the principally addictions more common. But we never ask why?, what carry a person for this?. no just a person say hey! let us become addicted, no. There is a process, that even, he isn't conscious of what happen, of the problem that this can be, not to mention, the change in emotions and the change with his outline. Accordingly, is very important that this person can receive help, someone who than understand but also guide.
As soon as he accepts his condition (in this part i think that need help of someone to he trust) , can leave his addiction by now with professional help.
Although, in this two "parts" the "addicted", he need have willpower or at least, a reason to keep.
What do you think if I say addiction?, probably you guess I’m going to talk about drugs, and alcoholic drinks, but the addictions covers more than they two.
ReplyDeleteAlthough they are the most common in our times, we need to know the different kind of addictions that surround us, for example the shopaholic, sex addict, coffee addict, cellular addict, chocoholic among others.
Even so is possible to say the people are informed about it, but it`s not treated with the due care. We cannot find a doctor, who treats specifically some addictions. On the other hand, if we mention the drug addiction we touch a big theme, we can talk since social problems, until mental problem, so if you meet someone who can have any type of addiction take them with a doctor, is the best choice you can take.
addictions today are more for cell phones, video games, drugs, chocolate, shopping, be an accumulator, etc.
ReplyDeleteYou could say that these addictions are taken for psychological problems, family, environment, etc, these addictions are very dangerous because they could damage the future of the person besides that it could leave with mental problems and also the body, addictions start small amounts, which then become bigger, I think all people have a small addiction.
ReplyDeleteWhen the person can not stop taking a drug voluntarily, even if he wants to do, it is called addiction. The temptation is too strong to control even if you understand that the drug is causing damage.
Addiction is a problem that is usually done by young people who sometimes just out of curiosity or even a fashion, the drugs can own dependence, taking into account the effects that this had on your own body, it affects mainly the system Central nervous.
The most likely people to arrive at these extreme addictions are those sad, depressed and in older cases by problems either at school even at home with his family etc.
By the end of mixing substances to reach an end point may be dose as alcohol and cocaine
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSome people think that drugs or substances are not addictive psiactivas, some people take it as a game but it is not.
Addictions can change your life in a very bad way, you become dependent on these substances, from my point of view I think that never should consume these substances and cause damage to the body and our mental state haywire.
We have to have character and learn to say no to all these substances, we have to live a healthy and free complicasiones life problems like these.
It lives better when we have our five senses as they are not altered!
Lives without addictions without drugs, without alcohol!
Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and drug, despite its harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the body: its structure and functioning are affected. These brain changes can be long lasting, and can lead to dangerous behaviors seen in people who abuse drugs.
ReplyDeleteBut because people take drugs ?. Mainly, people start using drugs for several reasons.
To feel good. Most drugs that are abused produce intense feelings of pleasure. This initial sensation of euphoria is followed by other effects, which vary according to the type of drug consumed. For example, with stimulants such as cocaine, the feeling of euphoria is followed by feelings of power, self-confidence and increased energy. In contrast, the euphoria caused by opiates such as heroin is followed by feelings of relaxation and satisfaction.
To feel better. Some people who suffer from social anxiety, stress-related disorders and depression begin abusing drugs in an attempt to lessen feelings of distress. Stress can play an important role in the onset of drug use, continued drug abuse or relapse in patients recovering from addiction.
To perform better. Some people feel pressure to chemically enhance or improve their cognitive abilities or their athletic performance, which may play a role in initial experimentation and continued drug abuse and prescription stimulants or anabolic / androgenic steroids.
Curiosity and "because others do." In this respect adolescents are particularly vulnerable because of the strong influence of peer pressure. Teens are more likely than adults to engage in risky or reckless behavior to impress their friends and express their independence from parental and societal norms.
Addiction to a chronic, relapsing brain disease characterized by pathological finding reward and / or relief through the use of a substance or other behaviors are considered. This implies an inability to control behavior, difficulty permanent abstinence, craving for consumption, decreased recognition of the significant problems caused by their own behavior and interpersonal relationships as well as an emotional response disfuncional.2 The result is a decrease in the quality of life of the affected (causing problems at work, in their academic activities, social relationships and / or their family or couple relationships). Neuroscience now considers addiction substances and behaviors share the same neurobiological basis.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to the use of psychoactive substances as process addictions sex addiction, gambling addiction (gambling), pornography addiction, addiction to television, sport, addiction to new technologies (tecnofilia) and there's Internet addiction.
By: Camila Guzman
It can be considered as equivalent to a serious substance use disorder, despite its harmful consequences is considered a brain disease because drugs change the body. Because people are addicted?
ReplyDeleteIn general, people become addicted for several reasons.
1. to feel better
2. Curiosity and "because others do"
3. to feel good
4. because they need
Although there may be more reasons, these are the most explicit
Besides the relatively moderate consumption poses risks de adicciones despite the fact that the addict does not consider that. Usually, the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary. However, with continued use, the ability of a person to exercise self-control can be seriously affected.
As a result of these addictions, very high casualties are caused in the country, for example in 2014 there were 1.2 million deaths.
Decision is yours if you want to destroy your life and joining in the death toll. Think about it
There are different kinds of addictions , but there are more common than others, such as addiction to alcohol and drugs.
ReplyDeletePeople who are addicted to alcohol usually do it , by a situation that are happening or one that already had happened, and they think that taking can olvidarsen all its problems , though they know it is not, by more than may take the time to forget everything and enjoy the next day but nothing will change . The same goes for those who are addicted to drugs, it is clear that is not always for the problems but also by choice or because they were influenced in this by anyone.
therefore I think that we are human and serlos is because we reason and we have some maturity so when we have problems are best taken with seriousness and maturity and not make decisions for impulses.
addiction is some responsibility as health and society as we see it more in the youth of today who do or because your friends tell you or for some concern.
ReplyDeleteaffecting your body and every day embolbiendose it without reason if people they reasoned we would have a safe and healthy world
i think that in the way of the drugs. Is important know that we never have the control and always ends in an addiction of the which is very difficult recover,we can look the life of this man the alcohol, the remove all most wanted. but in the text not only talks of addiccion but also of the habit and clare the addiction and the habit,the habit : those that do daily but controllably. the alcohol is something that does not have reverse and, that leads very bad situations. the fault is believe that have the control.
ReplyDeleteNowadays we are in a generation where the only thing that matters to us is the technology like the cell phone and we also depend on it, that we even get to the level of changing the family time to be in this or when we leave or spend time with the Friends are all on their cell phone and not sharing these moments with them. this has become like a chain to which we are subject more and more, the more things they get more dependent we go back with these things. Yes, this can be used for easy communication with people who are not so close, but it is also becoming a way of "surviving", you are thinking this, that if you do not have a cell phone of last generation then we are nobody and we are worthless.
ReplyDeletesofia cagua
the influence of technology on people today is quite noticeable, and this is constantly surrounding us, every time we advance more in technology and we would not know if this is something good or something bad and the new changes make us have that we constantly update in knowledge related to new technologies. Technology is advancing more and more to help us in our day-to-day activities.
ReplyDeleteIn part it is good, because thanks to technology medicine has advanced too much and has saved the lives of many people and also in different branches of science.
Maria Paula Osorio- Decimo.
My reflection based on the video is that there is no need to trust third parties when it comes to love, and less in modern applications to find a partner, but, by becoming intimate with other people, it can be considered as an option.
ReplyDeleteNever be guided by something that has no experience, and if you want more interesting results, let yourself be guided by intuition.
What happens if you let yourself be guided by something?
There is a possibility that it fails, as in everything you do, so you decide.
In conclusion, it is better to let yourself be guided by your instinct and perception if you want what you want and not what intermediaries want.
you have to use these devices to make your work a bit easier, but do not let them do everything for you otherwise they will take you to be a slave, but you can use them for useful things like those mentioned above.
ReplyDeleteCristian gonzalez
People currently get carried away by consumerism and believe that only people are known by applications, something that is totally false. because of this, unique opportunities that are given at that moment are lost while they worry about fitting into a technological sonic link.
ReplyDeleteMy reflection in the video is that you should not let yourself be trusted by applications and think before acting, I think that the protagonist's way of acting was not the most relevant.
ReplyDeletenot to get carried away so much by love and think more about how to act better, I think that the young man will remain with the woman on the train since she was attracted to him and he passed by and continued looking for the anonymous couple and at the end I'm left with nothing if you let yourself be guided by an application the most certain thing is that it ends badly this is my reflection
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ReplyDeleteTechnology is only a means, do not let it become your instrument, because it is what is happening, we are letting ourselves be influenced by our own creation.
ReplyDeleteTechnology opens us to conoser new social environments in a certain way is a tool that gives us certain positive things for our daily living with this we communicate, we work and in a certain way we recognize that it is a help for topics of invention, they are good until a certain limit. It is important to keep in mind that everything in life was done with a purpose in this case the purpose of the technology is to influence the human being both positively and negatively
ReplyDeletethis is a message to which we must notbe the whole day with the technology, ifto be given him is a use that is necessarymore not to depend on them.
ReplyDeleteReflection about technology
A proper use can give us very good benefits but if we use it improperly it can bring bad consequences. I believe that the proper use of telephones and applications is closely related to a good education, since this will give us the sufficient maturity to have a moderate use of the technologies that are given to us.
Juan Pablo Abril 10ª
My reflection about the influences of technologies, is very good in terms of education, generating
ReplyDeletegreat lessons and advances.
Although it is also more influential in the young people of each day for entertainment and but also
can be used for sexual purposes among themselves through social networks this is a big problem
today, this problem increasingly affects many more people being bullies or victims.
Andres Tarapues 10°
Technology is an innovative medium that affects human behavior and its way of thinking, which gives us a conformist and easy way to do all kinds of work. Therefore it has been noticed a big difference between the people of the antiquity and the contemporary families who have been in contact with the current technology.
ReplyDeletetechnology is very important for both young people and adults because it is necessary in their different professions because these devices are designed to solve the problems of daily life in the life of a young person and an adult in the sense of unknown things for these (mostly in children and adolescents by the school) but adults also have their electronic needs as problems in websites, online courses or for their work in the case of people who work at home. Equally workers require the technology mostly computers, smartphones or calculators that makes technology is essential. But if there is a good side there will also be a bad side as technology distracts us from the important things in life and also its overuse causes mental as well as physical injuries such as obesity or carpal tunnel syndrome, but in this time Technology is irreplaceable and unmatched.
ReplyDeleteMany years ago people to send a message was very difficult, because apart from the fact that the message took up to a month to reach the other person, it cost a lot, the methods of sending messages that people used were the telegrams, postcards, payment telephones, etc. Nowadays, when social networks came out, Facebook, Messenger and the most popular WhatsApp is just write your message and press "send" and the message will be sent in seconds, regardless of whether the other person is on the other side of the world. This was a very necessary invention for humanity, since apart from being comfortable it serves a lot and saves you.
Santiago Caballero 10°
From my point of view in terms of video and the influence it has on networks and young people today, is that many times in our daily lives people mostly young people pay more attention to a social network, an app of any kind, that to more important things in life.
ReplyDeleteSergio Bonilla 10°
Today technology is everything for most young people, such as cell phones, computers and many more, with applications such as games, photography, social networks and more, these applications cause small or large addictions, after a time becomes a necessity for the person who uses it, this means that a person gets carried away a lot by society, by the present time or by the new innovations of each day, every time there are more cases of violations, scams, aggressions, cyberbulling, among others, what causes these problems the most are, social networks and applications to meet people from other countries or worldwide, are small or large pages that manage to attract young people to use them without knowing who can be behind These applications, many people have fallen into these traps that the only thing they do is to cause harm to the person who uses it.
ReplyDeleteNICK CAICEDO 10°
Today it is important to be informed about new technologies and their progress so we can be contextualized this information.Technology today in day is a global tool that offers multiple benefits in all aspects of life
ReplyDeleteIt is our responsibility to make a good use of this medium and turn it into a recreation space interaction and learning.
Maria Paz Ortiz
my reflection based on the video, makes me recognize that technology is changing us in a negative way, although its intention is to make things easier, even knowing this we must recognize that we remain the same.
ReplyDeleteAs it is possible that the first impression of a person now has its profile in different applications or social networks, we certainly know that things must change and learn to use the new technology without it uses us
kevin quiroga 10°
the technology has brought great influence to all the young people of today; this has become of our daily life so much that almost the majority of young children and adults do not know how to get rid of these technological devices.we have to start managing the addition to these tools because if we do not know how to control them we could reach an extreme addiction without knowing how to control it
ReplyDeleteInfluence of the use of technology
ReplyDeleteMy reflection about the influence of technology, is
very good in terms of education, generating great
lessons and advances in the life for a better future.
brayan guataqui 10°
Technology removes mental energy by tiring minds and diverting thoughts to situations that are sincerely unimportant when they could be reasoning more interesting facts and learning new knowledge about general culture. Also young people thanks to technology stop investigating their work and tasks in books to enter Google and there research the information they need, copy and paste a, this makes them become increasingly lazy and leave aside the knowledge they should have on current issues. Therefore, the infatuation has been lost , romanticism, since young people prefer not to spend their time and money on flowers, chocolates, cards or obituaries, to send emoticons or on Facebook, cell phones, Twitter, etc., in a few words, love became virtual and not sentime
ReplyDeleteDaniela Suarez- 10°