Tips for the happiness!

Dear students: Based on the given texts, write 10 tips or advices to reach the happiness! Be creative!!



    Practice these 10 tips and you will realize how happy you be
    1. Every morning when you get up gives thanks for what you have and what will happen to you.
    2. When you think everything is against you, remember that everything happens for a reason and after the storm comes the calm.
    3. Do not take anything personal.
    4. Remember that each person shows their feelings in different ways so do not think you're not important to that person.
    5. Do not throw prejudices by physical or personality of a person you do not know what happens in the life of that person.
    6. Do not criticize anyone remember that when you do it is like a mirror you're telling your own shortcomings.
    7. No matter what anybody says, always do what you want and fight for your goals without affecting around you.
    8. Ten security and confidence in everything you do because if you're doing means OK.
    9. In life everything is possible if you think you can accomplish everything more difficult it is when you succeed you will be a pride to you and others.
    10. Always be humble, and you are a person with great success and recognized, you also started from the bottom and went through difficult times.

    1. 1 These tips could to help very much a depressed person cause they are easy instructions that we can put in practices everyday to be happy and.
      2 Many additional helps exist the important mas is to seek for help of the family or of nearby someone and after find experts help.
      3 I have been with friends in very difficult and sad but not totally depressed moments.

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    3. 1.Would the tips above help someone who is seriously depressed.
      These tips or advice if they could help a depressed person, since they are like simple methods of practicing them daily; But you certainly always need help from an expert.

      2.Are any unhelpful
      If they are one of the few methods available to help a depressed person, but it is certainly better to have the help of a person skilled in the situation or to tell someone in the family with confidence without being judged.

      3.Have you ever had to help a depressed friend
      If I have helped some people but not with kind of advice help and that; If not how to raise their spirits.

    4. 1° I think so, these tips can be very good for a depressive person or for a person who is sad for good reason. Also these tips are very good in general because they can be used for all people, sad, depressed or not; And these tips can boost self-esteem.

      2° I think what all the above tips are useful in addition are very easy to do and can make happy a person. Only, I think you can put others equally important.

      3° Yes, once I had to comfort a friend who was going through a difficult situation with his parents; He felt very desperate and sad, but I did not know what to say at that time and I could not help him.

    5. 1) Could the tips above help someone who is seriously depressed?

      These tips are stupids becouse they don't help to one person depressed, Are very basic, these tips are inhuman, You do not feel humanity in words.

      2) Are any unelpful?
      yes, these tips are for someone who has not had depression.

      3) have you ever had to help a depressed friend?

      Not, but i was one

  2. 10 Tips To Get Happiness

    1. Taking care Everyday
    2. Do my best to achieve what I want
    3.Dar thank God for every day that dawns
    4. Sonreir Cada Dia Sin Importar Las Dificultades
    5. Have goals and work to fulfill them
    6. Love And Forgiveness
    7. Do not criticize others without looking First To Us
    8. Having good friends who are on the good and bad
    9.Tener A Decent Life for living well
    10. Positive Stability for my family

  3. Happiness is the goal of every human being and Happiness Although no complete can never fill gaps in our hearts and especially in our Alma With Very Basic Ten Steps To "walk the path of happiness":

    1. A Positive Attitude is very important, the attitude in every situation We make a difference Making The Bright Side Of Things.

    2. Change the routine, monotonous ago Losing the sense of activity you do and consider the following sentence: - "If you think that the adventure is dangerous, Test Routine, Is Mortal"

    3. Take a risk A New Stuff, he who dares gets nothing.

    4. Practice Sport, recalls: "In Healthy Body Healthy Mind" Pair it with good food and feel good both outside and inside.

    5. Feed Your Intellect. Read More, Learn More, remember that: "Never too late to learn".

    6. The spiritual part is very important, you must find a balance in your emotions and your soul before you along with others is necessary to be good about yourself.

    7. You must be clear about your goals and projects like a person who knows what he wants knows that path must travel.

    8. They say it's better to have quality friends than quantity, dismisses all those that slow your progress as a person.

    9. It is also very important to be with loved ones, tell them you love them every day, always the small details make the difference.

    10. And last but not least, you have all the above steps to pursue the path of happiness.

  4. How to make a person happy
    1. Give a smile. with a smile can spread joy
    2. Cook what you like best. it will make a very happy and satisfied person.
    3. Enjoy time with the person doing things you enjoy. This will make the person happy.
    4. Eat Ice Cream favorite flavors. That makes anyone happy
    5. Make sport. The most you like to do this fill of happiness and freedom to the individual.
    6. Go to the movies to cinema. This will make the person happy as long as it's like the person.
    7. Remember good times past found that person. This can encourage and joy to a person
    8. Make different activities. to do these activities we can do a happy person.
    9. Exit travel to any city or country. This will make the person happy as they know most places.
    10. Help the person to meet expectations. that person feel supported and happiness on your part.

  5. 1. Try not to get stresed
    2. Tell jokes to other person
    3. Not discuss with other
    4. Playing the favorite games
    5. Share time with the family
    6. Enjoy with the friends
    7. Animate to perfom goals
    8. Inivit it top lay soccer and other sports
    9. Listen music with it
    10. Wacht a movie in the cinema

  6. 10 tips for happiness

    1-Positive attitude every day
    2-When you feel sad eats ice cream
    3- Listen to music when you feel sad
    4-Forget the mistakes of other people
    5-Play with your friends
    6-Smile above problems
    7-Never give up, follow your dreams
    8-Love yourself more than anything
    9-Believe in yourself to get your goals
    10-Dance to relax your soul


    1. see to loved ones happy
    2. Move away of people stressed or keep sad all time
    3. Listen music that you like
    4. Think positive and try of keep calm in all situations
    5. Spend time with the people that can make you laugh and feel good
    6. If have that do some things, wake up early for not be in
    7. Sleep the time enough, rest
    8. Eat good, enough and healthy
    9. Study or do (work) that you like. keep the mind busy in some thing that you like
    10. Travel to some place that you can be relax, or a some that you like

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  9. Ten Tips to be happy

    1. Do what you like to do, if you want go out a Monday to the cinema, do it.
    2. When you feel bored remember good times… with your parents o your friends.
    3. On your free time do exercise, that help you to relax and feel comfortable
    4. Smile, always smile, and feel happy, even if you don’t, because that make you feel like you was
    5. Prepare travels, alone or with someone, like a friend or family, and look how beautiful is our world
    6. Listen to music when you do something or nothing, it's something what always make all better
    7. Sleep and rest, when you do this your body feel much better and comfortable
    8. Stay around of positive and funny people, they make your days a lot of laugh
    9. Write or read books, they make you travel to another places without move you of your chair
    10. Life you’re day like it was the last day... enjoy and laugh always

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  11. 10 Tips for your happiness

    1-please God and not men
    2- Do not you seek your happiness in others
    3-live each day as the last
    4-Give moments of happiness to others
    5-Live grateful for what you have
    6-Overcome your fears
    7- have many dreams and will fight for them
    8- Traveling, it is good to have new experiences in your life
    9-NOT be a masochist,will abandon what hurts you
    10-Do not expect anything from people and does not will disappoint

    By :Leidy Nataly Rodriguez Perez

  12. 10 Tips for your happiness:

    1. Believe in yourself.
    2. Don't worry for the things as say the other people.
    3. Say to the world all the things as you feel.
    4. Live all your days at the max.
    5. Follow our instincts.
    6. Have always a smile in your face.
    7. Don't live whit lies.
    8. Follow your dreams.
    9. Be spontaneous.
    10. Think positive all the time and...

    1. Get up early " whom it forestalls God help him "
    2. It chases your dreams
    3. It loves what you do and something new learns
    4. He believes in you
    5. It gives, receives and is grateful for
    6. Believe your own habits
    7. It celebrates your achievements
    8. He remembers that the happiness is not a goal but a way: he enjoys while you it cross
    9. To deal and to understand to another person
    10. To look at his faults and qualities.

    1. 1.Could the tips above help someone who is seriously depressed ?
      :yes, they could help certain tips but not enough to make the person feel good.
      2.Are any unhelpful?
      :some advice if it would not be enough to get a person out of a problem. :/
      3.Have you ever had to help a depressed friend ?
      : yes,When I feel like they need someone there I am

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  15. 10 Tips for your happiness:

    1. Get noticed, follow your instinct, get inspired, no longer a victim, do all that you can do well, and love your work

    2. Look everything from a new perspective, be curious about everything around you, do not aisles, get together with you want and set yourself goals.

    3. Reach the goal always helps others, forget for a day of problems, dance and pamper yourself a little.

    4. Do not be overcome by fear, visit a museum, a decision is better than none, do a little exercise, disconnect from the television, and music listening.

    5. Always keep contact with nature, I encourage you can, look for balance, try to sleep, read and buy flowers.

    6. About reaching program a realistic plan, not compare yourself with others, live the moment, ACPTA life has ups and downs.

    7. Thinks every night about the good things that have happened today, let enter new ideas, believe in yourself and be kind.

    8. let people know how special you are, be honest with yourself, do not let me obsessed negative thoughts and focus on creating desires.

    9. takes time just to have fun, thanks to the people who teach you, you apian, that encourage you and invite them to take a club Colombia.

    10. Do not forget, money cannot buy happiness, offers what no longer need those who may need it, I appreciate who you are now, is part of a group, is a common room, watch the love in your life, make a list of gratitude, love mother earth, do your best, n lose hope never know what tomorrow can bring you never stop learning, appreciate what you have, believe in something as big as yourself, stays with your friends and family.


    1. Strengthen our self-esteem.

    2. Face problems and suffering with a positive attitude

    3. Living in the present moment

    4. Knowing yourself to avoid internal conflicts

    5. Modify your soul.

    6. Look for the positive in all your experiences

    7. Encourages optimism

    8. Determine your core values

    9. Visualize your " best possible " .

    10. Forget past traumas

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    1. Live and leave live.
    2. Talk e interact with your friends.
    3. Being lowly.
    4. Leave with your friends to dance and take.
    5. Being happy with the love from your life.
    6. Eat without fatten.
    7. Have silver without to work.
    8. Being happy it is good to the health.
    9. Have good memories from your life.
    10. Celebrate your achievements.


  20. Ten tips for by happy
    1. Wake up ever with a smile
    2. Your attitude should be positive
    3. Believe in yourself
    4. Socialize and help others
    5. Have fun
    6. Be yourself
    7. Do things your way
    8. make your dreams come true
    9. Look at the positive things
    10. Dance, laugh, sing and feel young!! :)
    By: Carlos Paipa

  21. 1) Do not give importance to what others think about me
    2) Forgive those who hurt us
    3) Not to be affected by memories
    4) Exercise
    5) Have a high self-esteem
    6) Think before you act
    7) Eat chocolate
    8) Be at peace with yourself and with family
    9) Having a positive attitude, especially against the problems
    10) Do not be overcome by laziness

  22. Ten Tips to Get Happiness

    1. Listen to music when you feel bored or when u have a lot of pressure. That helps you to feel better
    2. Run an hour or 30 minutes every day, you release pressure and do exercise ¡Two in one!
    3. Go to the cinema once at month, who is better company than you?
    4. You could go to the gym, is like run every day but with more results in your body
    5. Twice at month go to dance, no drink… dance, leave your body moves
    6. Give you a day… ¡Only for you! You could clean your house or make a movies day.
    7. Smile and have a positive attitude, every day is beautiful if you smile.
    8. Eat your favorite food, or cooked it
    9. Oh... but when you feel a little sad you buy a bottle of ice cream an eat it
    10. Don’t feel wrong when the things are going bad… after the storm come the rainbow

  23. Steps for the happiness.

    1. Don't be worried all the time
    2. Find one excuse for smile once time in the day.
    3. You have to keep good vibes baby.
    4. Listen music of Mozart, this can help you to relax more.
    5. Eat everything that you prefer, don't have limits, eat whatever you want.
    6. Now, read a book about your favorite theme.
    7. Remember something that, maybe, you lived and smile.
    8. The Sundays go to the park and enjoy seeing the trees, flowers etc.
    9. Smell delicious scents, aromas that you like.
    10. Don't be angry when the rain slow down on your face, enjoy the life!.

    1. Attitude
    Happiness is a choice that can be done anytime and anywhere. My thoughts are what make me happy or unhappy, not my circumstances. I am able to change yourself, and the world will change you.
    Remember that the only things you can control in the world are your thoughts.
    2. Strengthen your personality:
    Once you are clear how valuable / a are, that insurance is far, begins to create a way of being more solid, more vehement and secure you. If before you were worried that someone does not greet you, why you ought to you do? Strengthen the self-esteem is key.
    3. The Moment
    Happiness is not in years, months, weeks, even days. Only you can find it in seconds. "Today is yesterday's tomorrow" ... besides life always has the right to be surprised, so learn to live in the present without any of the traumas of the past or future expectations. Remember that happiness is not a destination but a journey. Enjoy every moment as if it were combined your past, your present and your future.
    4. Our Own Image
    I must learn to love myself as I am. Believing in yourself gives results. The more you know yourself, the higher your advantage over others.
    Hammarshold said: "The most difficult path is the path within" ... but at least once in life, we must travel.
    5. Goals
    You know what the difference between a dream and a goal?
    A goal is a dream with a specific date to become reality. A dream is just a dream, something that is out of reality ... so dare to dream, but also dare to make those dreams come true! "It points to the moon, for although mistake, get to the stars ..." And when you put a difficult goal or think you have an impossible dream, remember that success is just reward because what counts is the effort.

    6. The Humor
    The smile is very important to improve self-esteem. When we smile, but do not feel anything, our brain sees it as a sign that all is well and sends a message to the central nervous system to release a substance called beta-endorphin, which gives the mind a positive response. They say a smile costs less than electricity, but gives more light. And with every smile sow hope.

    7. Forgiveness
    While you have resentments and hatreds, it will be impossible to be happy. The wonderful thing about forgiveness is not releasing any other of his guilt, but that it frees you from suffering.
    8. Give
    One of the real secrets to be happy is to learn to give without expecting anything in return. Energy law will treat you more than what you give. If you give hate, hate will get, but if you give love, receive love invariably.
    Only he who learns to give is underway to find true happiness.
    9. Relationships
    Synergy is joining forces and walking together to get things done. Whenever two or more people come together in a spirit of cooperation and respect, synergy occurs naturally. Understand the people around you, your friends want as they are without trying to change them, because when you feel bad, true friend will be there to support you and give you all her love. So cultivate your friendships, they are free us !. Friendship, like most feelings should flow naturally.

    10. Faith
    Faith builds confidence, gives us peace of mind and frees the soul of his doubts, worries, anxiety and fear.
    But do not panic when in doubt, well said Miguel de Unamuno. Faith that does not doubt is dead faith "say that man becomes wise when he learns to laugh at himself laughs, laughs happily ... and the world laughs. you.

  25. 1- Exercise: With only 30 minutes a day, you'll get the same calming effect of an antidepressant. With walking, jogging, swimming or yoga for half an hour every day you find a better mood and less stressed.
    Be assertive: An assertive person is a mature person in their decisions and beliefs, and therefore, he says what he thinks and feels without exalting or assaulting others.
    . Facing the challenges: Coping in life requires our courage to take on the difficulties of life. If for months you are postponing important tasks or activities, you could fill you with anxiety and tension.

    Be polite: Say, "Good morning," "Good evening" "Please," "Thank You" "Permission" not only will make an educated person, but will make you happier to receive from others a smile. Being friendly does not cost, and can repay you much happiness.
    Feel attractive: Neither matter if you're tall, skinny, fat or short: love yourself as you are and you'll be much happier.
    You should not envy anyone for what he has or what he is. They reached their goal, achieved yours and so you will know how to be happy.
    Happiness is not in years, months, weeks, even days. Only you can find it in seconds. Life always has the right to be surprised, so learn to live in the present without the traumas of the past or future expectations.
    How to be happy means to have faith, faith builds confidence, it gives us peace of mind and frees the soul of his doubts, worries, anxiety and fear. They say that man becomes wise when he learns to laugh at himself. Laughs, laughs happily and the world laughs with you.
    Happiness is a choice that can be done anytime and anywhere. Thoughts are what make me happy or unhappy, not my circumstances. So you learn how to be happy with a positive attitude.
    Ocultar el mensaje original

    10- Thus it has. How to be happy and not wanting the other, we must learn to live with what you have and not what is lacking help us that our happiness will always be on our side.


    1. could the tips above help someone cuho is seriously depresssed?
      R/ Yes, if they could help, not enough as you need them but if they help you in something.

      are on unhelpful?
      R/ Some are useless but others are very useful for such cases.

      have you ever had to help a depressed friend?
      R/Yes, many times.

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  27. could the tips above help someone cuho is seriously depresssed?

    - Yes, the tips are very good for a person who is seriously depressed because somehow or another helps the person to feel a little better. This will not completely resolve your depression, but it can at least make the person think or reflect from their depressed state

    are on unhelpful?

    -Yes, these tips are very useful since anyone applying them in life will be a different person, would see life very happy or would have a more positive thinking and would have a very positive daily life. This is what many people need to feel better day by day.

    have you ever had to help a depressed friend?

    -Yes, I have helped a friend with depression and it is a complicated experience since people who suffer from depression see everything wrong all sad, plus it is strong because they really have a very negative thinking . It is important to lead a more active and happy life.

  28. As Epictetus says: “Happiness is not to want things but to be free” and that´s why we have to choose a career that give us happiness and freedom. When we do the things we love, our brain segregate some hormones that cause sensations of happiness and security with which we can do jobs that we like and have money that will give pleasure to win. In addition it has been shown that those people who do not do what they like, are more likely to get sick; and that's why we have to think first to be happy because we can achieve all the goals we propose.

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  31. There are a lot of people who has all in life; they can buy whatever they want and nevertheless they are unhappy. Money is just something material, and when you die, is better that people reminds you as who live happy and not as who only had money. For that reason, I prefer happiness more than money. Nevertheless, I think we can have both happiness and money. In any career you have to make the most and your happiness depends on doing what you're passionate about, and the money depends on the perseverance and commitment you have. “Want is power”, so if you want to be successful in life you have to give all of you, be passionate, work on it.

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  33. Some people think “before choosing a career, people should think on money and the financial benefits rather than their happiness” I'm disappointed with this point because the happiness can't be bought because for more money to give you a job or a career if not what you love will always feel incomplete.

    My advice is that although they have pressures and do not know what to do just let yourself be carried by your heart.

  34. Money buys happiness? In a certain way, if money buys happiness, but to a certain extent.
    Who would not be happy to buy what they want and want, with so much money? The problem is when you do not know what to do with so much money, and you begin to think only of yourself.
    In my opinion, when you study something you do not want and only do it for the money you earn, in the same way there will be no progress because this does not generate happiness but obligation.
    Although I think that little by little it is taking love for what you do, to earn a lot of money, you will have better comforts and you will satisfy your needs without any problem and in this way you will obtain happiness.

  35. We always think that money is everything, it brings stability, happiness, and tranquility, it is not always that way, we must do what we like, regardless of salary, since this is ephemeral and goes away. Unfortunately, we let ourselves be led by what society says and not by what we ourselves consider for our life and our future, we must learn from our career and with it help others, allowing us to test our knowledge and overcome the difficulties present themselves on the road. While it is true that with money we can get everything we always have to be down to earth, value more time with our families and that the hunger for money does not completely consume us.

  36. In some persons the happiness is enough ... for my it is not, this one is an element of the life that has many components between these components the money ... but about equal form I think that the money or other components are not quite exactly, for my everything is a cycle where in the life he needs of everything a bit, for such it is necessary to choose a career that is located in the revenue of today, but of form like it makes you happy, in order that to the future you feel realized as person in all the areas of the life, demonstrating fulfilled credit a great aim the integrity … The life is the composition of many factors, for as conclusion I think that the happiness does not exist without money and of equal form … in order that so much money if there is no happiness?

  37. Happiness is one of the most important things in human's life... sometimes it is random, because never is complete, always there are moments that we could feel with this, moments that lead us to feel full, like when you recive a achievement, when you stay with your family or with your friends...

    Although is not constant, happiness is one mood that make you a positive person.

    With happiness you could feel satisfaction for rearching something and this it greatly inflences in our behaviors, thougths and general in our day by day...

    Once a time you reach happiness... you feel the most important and happy person on Earth..Literaly you feel the owner of the world. Then, we can say that Happiness is a temporary mood..and is like a "roller coaster" because in life there are bad moments, and there are things that every human have to life... So happines like other moods, it is temporary.

  38. Happy being can be an exciting challenge, but according to many, something very difficult of managing or at least of recognizing when we enjoy it. There is no an alone recipe to be happy; every the one who tries to reach the happiness to his way and according to his good one to deal. But yes there are certain keys that might be of help for those who propose to cultivate the garden of his personal happiness.To choose a career is to be projected. I agree totally in that every thing that we do must be with love, because it us is born, and not simply for him noticing the others, we are in the decision of which we want to be of for life, which we want to do, and if we do not choose anything that makes us happy, are not going to be realized in the labor life as in the personal thing.
    ''Thee happiness is this condition of conscience that Rand comes from the attainment of the values personal''.

  39. HAPPINESS IS NOT PURCHASED OR IS SOLD because you want and can put everything for this, but What is Happiness ?, It is a mood of complete joy of the person in different situations of life, so you can enjoy and live without money, happiness is to have full family, pure love, health and life, all but achieved with much effort and in a correct and humble way!
    I stress that life is enjoyed only if one wants, happiness depends on each other not on others, not others make your happiness, take risks, learn new things, take advantage of the small details of life, because this is one

    Geraldine Quinche

  40. 1- enjoy every moment as if it were the last
    2-appreciate the people you have around you and enjoy them
    4-have goals and purposes to fight
    5-Enjoy the little things and the wonders of life, nature, landscapes, seas and everything around us
    6-to live now without thinking about what might happen in the future, life is today, not worrying about things of the future or tormenting things of the past


  41. The truth, personally it seems to me to be illogical that a person puts the money over the happiness. That is to say, it is clear that the money is something very important because without we cannot survive in a pleasing way, but seriously does our life turn concerning this element? The response is not, if we are going to choose a career with which we are not happy but can gain a lot of money, we are doing the things badly. Always we must put above our dreams and must listen to our heart. There are people who is millionaire but unlucky person, it is necessary to find a balance sheet between what we want for our life and the economic sustainability that our career is going to drink to us... My advice would never be to put the money over the happiness, because there are priorities and the happiness is one of them.

    Gabriela Morales-11º

  42. tips for happiness

    1. Try to travel as much as you can, meet and enjoy these experiences with your family or friends.
    2. Do not stop thanking everything that they give you or the good that happens.
    3. Live the present as if it were the last day of your life.
    4. spend more time with your family and friends, it is better to take advantage of good people before they leave for any reason.
    5. value what you have and be humble, to be happy you do not need the millions of millions, but live to appreciate the good things that happen to you.
    6. If you enjoy dancing with your friends healthy, distract is great.
    7. Stop looking for things and start living what you have in front of you, do not waste time.
    8. Rooting of positive people, it is not good to have people who can make you make mistakes or hurt you.
    9. Work on something that you like or on what you give you a lot of money and time to enjoy it, do not forget to strive, to achieve things you must make merits.
    10. Go to the street, exercise, distract from time to time, that helps you relax and stay active.

    By: cristhian rincon

  43. Many people since they are born have everything, they give things on a silver platter, there are other people who only have what is necessary and in their development they are happy, but the day comes when they realize many things that they have not had because of their cit economic, at that time you think what to do and how to do it. What is more important to be happy and do what I like or do something that I do not like but I know it will ensure a better economy and maybe a better happiness, many people do not do it themselves, if not, for their family so that have something better than what that person had

    juan caldera 11

  44. Be authentic, people try to disguise who they really are. But finally it's about knowing who your inner self is and how it contributes to society. Always surround yourself with people who want you to succeed. Get away from people who expect you to fail. Authenticity is difficult to achieve, but when we look for it, do not focus so much on correcting your weaknesses to be happy, because the authenticity of this feeling is different for each person, in addition to achieve happiness, the strengths that each one possesses intervene. , and the way in which each person takes care of them and uses them day by day.

    Remember that money ends but your happiness does not.

    Andres Salinas 11 ;)

  45. In my personal opinion the key to success FIRST, ELegir BE HAPPY, THEN THINK ABOUT HOW TO BE HAPPY Life is one and too short for us to naively hope for that perfect moment, in which we believe happiness will come down from some heaven, and will enter our life in the form of money, opportunity, person, I believe that not feeling safe is something that affects us all, because it is a paradigm that is still installed in society.
    Being with positive people, grateful, enthusiastic, contagia welfare, and transmit us that special energy, which allows the day surrounded by them, be more pleasant, comforting, and even more productive.


  46. Nowadyas the concept of money has a very important meaning, and without hesitation earning it has become a current priority, but i wonder if is it worth to renounce happiness just for the sake of money? it is necessary to study a major that gives you money but does not make you happy? i just can not imagine the idea of studying something during 5 years plus feeling that it does not make me feel passionate about it, and specially taking into account that i will have to work on it throughout my whole life it is horrendous that in the future i might wake up one day, look at me at the mirror and notice that i am totally miserable, living a life in which my time will be rased by the babysitter and i just might have a house where i can just sleeo on and not really stay too long, misery in exchange of money luxury or goods that in time to enjoy. I strongly believe that life has an only goal and that is just to be happy. =)

    Leidi Valdes 11°

  47. To be happy is what really matters because if you work or study what you want and you are passionate about, you will do things well because it is something that you like to do so you should do what you like to be happy and not do something obligation or for only money because that way you will only have more chances of failing because you will do things without taste and you will see it as an obligation, we must choose and do what we like to be happy.

    Camilo Alarcon 11°

  48. Excellent this section, very good ideas, in the same way that I want to share mine.
    1 wake up early.
    2 visualize your day.
    3 want a lot.
    4 Eat healthy and varied.
    5 follow your dreams.
    6 meditate daily and listen to music.
    7 create healthy habits.
    8 give yourself time.
    9 surround yourself with your loved ones.
    10 smile.
    11 believe in yourself.
    12 learn something new.
    13 Give, receive and thank.
    14 Do what you love and love what you do.
    15 celebrate your achievements.

    nicolas pulgarin 10º
